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Insurance for North Carolina State Firefighter Association

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Are you going to be a parent for the first time? Have you been thinking about whether you need to invest in life insurance? If so, you probably have a few questions about the different types of coverage available. That is why our team at Insurance Specialists, Inc. is here to answer your questions and help you obtain the right coverage for your family.

Do I Need a Term or Permanent Life Insurance Policy?

Term life insurance usually costs less than permanent life insurance, at first. So if you are a young family and you are worried about spending too much of your disposable income but still want to be covered, this option might be right for you. With a permanent insurance policy, you can take advantage of a cash accumulation feature so you have an additional source of income you can use in the future.

Do Stay-at-Home Parents Need Life Insurance Coverage?

Stay-at-home parents need coverage just like working parents. The valuable work that stay-at-home parents perform to keep their households running can be costly to replace in the event of a tragedy, which is why you need to consider how much life insurance they might need to replace their contribution to your household.

Can I Get a Life Insurance Policy While I’m Pregnant?

You can still take out a life insurance policy if you are early in your pregnancy and haven’t experienced any medical complications. The farther along you are in your pregnancy, the harder it will be to obtain coverage, especially if you have medical complications. If you are pregnant, you need to get life insurance as soon as possible.

Call us today at (888) 451-0883 to schedule your appointment with our team of professional insurance administrators.
