We Simplify The Insurance Process
We Are Dedicated To The Professional Association Insurance Industry Nationwide.
Guaranteed Issue Life for New Members of the Atlanta Bar Association
As a new member of the Atlanta Bar Association you can now get Guaranteed Issue Term Life and Disability insurance - it's never been easier. Details and rates below.
Click here to apply for Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance.
Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance
Depending on your age, you can apply for up to $100,000 of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance
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Our Testimonials
Past Members Speak Their Mind
Thank you for your time this morning during our discussion about my insurance policies. Peter and I really appreciated your explanation regarding our benefits as well as some of the nuances of the policies. What a treat compared to some responses we've gotten over the years - thank you! Hope you had a good rest of the day and that you have a nice week. And thank you in advance for putting together our policy information to send via USPS. Much appreciated!B.M.
Thank you for helping me! It is nice to have a knowledgeable local agent and your process is so much more convenient than what I’ve been dealing with for so many years. Thanks again.J.T.
First, I would like to thank you for your assistance in obtaining a $100,000 life insurance policy which is a better plan for me. Jane Corbett, my sister, has been corresponding with, per my authorization. She mentioned to me that you had e-mailed her regarding the cancellation of the $25,000 Policy # MET-2-1543 and $29,000 Policy # MET-2-387 or to just let them lapse. Since the replacement policy of $100,000 is now in place as I received the Certificate Confirmation Statement along with my Certificateholder Benefit Plan, I am authorizing the cancellation of the two above mentioned policies. Again, I appreciate your guidance in getting the best plan in place.R.L.
I certainly wish there were more dedicated insurance agents like you. I will always want to keep this life insurance for myself and my husband. I guess I need to add a second beneficiary so the benefits won’t be paid to my estate in the event my husband has died before me. Thank you.M.P.
Wow. I can’t think of any other time I’ve had an assignment executed so quickly, never mind having two all done! You are definitely the man, Mike. Much appreciated…L.K.