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Insurance for North Carolina State Firefighter Association

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It is important to be prepared for the unexpected, but unfortunately, 43% of adult Americans don’t have life insurance, meaning they won’t be prepared for all of the financial implications that come with the death of a loved one.  All too often we encounter clients who think that just because they are young they don’t have to plan for such things. But if you want to make sure you are prepared for the unexpected, you will need to take out a life insurance policy, especially if you have loved ones who depend on you. Below, we go over some of the important stages a person goes through in life and explain how life insurance can protect them.

Life Before Children

Although you might not have any kids yet, you should still have life insurance if you have any debts. Your life insurance policy will ensure your debts are paid and aren’t passed on to other family members when you die.


When you get married, you will want to make sure your spouse has enough money to cover all of your joint financial obligations when you pass away. Having an adequate life insurance plan and knowing that your spouse and future family are financially covered will give you peace of mind.

Birth of Your Children

Many couples have to rely on dual incomes in order to make ends meet. For single parents, they are their child’s only source of income, which can be devastating if the parent dies and doesn’t have life insurance. Our insurance administrators can help you figure out how much coverage you will need to protect your family’s financial interests.


Just because you’ve paid off your mortgage and your kids have finally moved out doesn’t mean you no longer need life insurance. If you are still saving for your retirement, a life insurance policy will ensure your spouse can live comfortably after you pass away.

If you have someone in your life who would suffer financially if you were to die, you need to seriously consider life insurance. Call (888) 451-0883 today to speak to one of our team members about the policies we offer at Insurance Specialists, Inc.
