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Not many employers offer life insurance to their employees, and not enough Americans have any life insurance at all. If your employer offers life insurance when you currently have no coverage, some may be better than none – but you probably aren’t protecting your loved ones as well as you could.

Generally, the death benefit for an employer-provided life insurance policy is a flat dollar amount, typically less than $25,000. While this can help your loved ones deal with the costs associated with your funeral and burial, it doesn’t leave much room to take a mortgage or college education into account.

When your spouse and/or children count on your income to make ends meet, relying on your employer’s life insurance coverage can be a mistake.

When Your Employer’s Life Insurance Plan Is Enough

While everyone should consider purchasing supplemental life insurance, there are some for whom an employer’s plan may be enough.

These are people who fall into the following categories:

  • You Aren’t Married: If you aren’t married, then you don’t have to worry about how your spouse will manage to get by without your income. The basic life insurance provided by your employer’s plan may be enough to help your loved ones manage your estate’s affairs.
  • You Aren’t a Homeowner: Your home is a valuable asset, and missing even just a single payment can put you in foreclosure. If you don’t own a home, however, you don’t need to worry about leaving behind a healthy sum of money to help your loved ones avoid foreclosure.
  • You Don’t Have Children: If you don’t have children who rely on you for financial support, you probably don’t need supplemental life insurance. Your employer’s plan probably won’t provide enough income to provide for a child’s care or education, but this isn’t something you need to worry about if you don’t have kids.

Even if you don’t fall into these categories, you may wish to consider purchasing additional life insurance. If you have a beloved relative or friend and wish to ensure that you can leave something behind for them, purchasing supplemental life insurance can help.


If you're an employee, your employer's life insurance plan may not provide the adequate coverage your dependents need. However, there are several ways to purchase supplemental life insurance for extra protection.

Insurance Specialists, Inc. can help you find the best policy for your particular needs. The knowledgeable agents at Insurance Specialists, Inc. understand that everyone's financial situation is unique and will work with you to develop a policy that fits your budget and provides the peace of mind you need regarding the future of your family in case something happens to you.

Contact Insurance Specialists, Inc., today for more information about purchasing supplemental life insurance.
